This yellow rose bush stands
about 5 to 6 ft tall. The roses are along the canes and are loaded
with blossoms.
The scent is fragrant and very strong. The leaves smell like roses
when the plant is not blooming. It blooms for about 2 -3 weeks once a year.
It was given to me about 1965. I think I was about 10 or 12 when I
got it. When it
was given to me it was split off another rose bush. My Mom brought
it out to the farm in 1977. Annie's family originally came from Germany, but her father hunted all over the world I think, and had
animal trophies from all over. The rose could have come from any
country. I don't know if it was brought from another country or if
it was acquired in the United States. I sure wish I had paid more
attention when I was little.
I think this is a pink Grootendorst,
(Shrub rose) or a rugosa rose (I forget) It is about 5
feet tall. It does real well in SW North Dakota,
(Regent/New England area). As does the yellow rose.
They do not die back in the winter. They leaf out on the old
canes. Not just new growth. Most of my other roses die
back partially anyway. These two have been the toughest so
far. 29 years for the yellow and 7 for the pink so far.
They seem to be fairly disease resistant. Have had leaf
spots in really humid conditions, but I use a rose treatment and
they spring right back. The yellow rose survived the
transplant!!!!! It is doing well. |
These pics were taken
in 1999. |
Pink rose came from
Wal-Mart 2002 |
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